Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 9 of 365 Memories

This is the 2ND Church in Newton. It greets me when I am leaving work. I played with my aperture and liked what I saw... if I had a tripod you might have liked it better ;-) This church has memories for me, my mother's best friend attended there and many a time I was invited to attend special events there. I miss my mother and I miss Helen. Lovely memories.

This was to be the 3 prompt post, however, I have misplaced that SD flash card. I had taken a bump photograph of one of my dearest friends. She is 25 months along and pregnant with twins. We found out later one of the babies was in distress, please just take a moment and say a prayer for her. She is 25 weeks along and each day is offering renewed hope. I shall not go into details, for that is not my place. Just please offer up a prayer for wee Tara... she is responding well and may she continue to do so. I thank you from the depth of my heart.

1 comment:

  1. I like the effects that not having a tripod makes. Your photo is wonderful as is the memories. Your photo captures the prompt word three! I see three steeples. :o)

    Your friend is in my thoughts and prayers!
